
English Forum - I have new and more questions!!!

Anton - 17 июля 2008, 12:21
How am I editing the Menu?! Is that somehow on the Menus.res?! or Is It connected to other files?!
†T$† - 17 июля 2008, 13:05
Hello again, мезкий эмигрантишка!
What you want to know?
You can disable some menu points, by option in mod config-file (for starter). If you want to edit titles, you must edit textures.

Zones for menu: zonemainmenunew.mpr (landscape), zonemainmenunew.mob (monsters, objects etc.)
In some mods (ei-mod 2.x, Evil-Mod, Ингос во Тьме) menu's zone was change.
Developers copy .mpr file from other maps (zone1.mpr "Ruins", for example) and rename it to zonemainmenunew.mpr.
Next they edit .mob file (copy or change) and (most important) edit .cam-files. Camera file:
EI\Camera\mainmenu.cam. You can edit it by hex-editor (as I =) ), or use special tools...
http://gipatgroup.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6134 - six messege from top, file in attach.
Anton - 17 июля 2008, 13:42
Цитата (†T$†):
Hello again, мезкий эмигрантишка!
What you want to know?
You can disable some menu points, by option in mod config-file (for starter). If you want to edit titles, you must edit textures.

Zones for menu: zonemainmenunew.mpr (landscape), zonemainmenunew.mob (monsters, objects etc.)
In some mods (ei-mod 2.x, Evil-Mod, Ингос во Тьме) menu's zone was change.
Developers copy .mpr file from other maps (zone1.mpr "Ruins", for example) and rename it to zonemainmenunew.mpr.
Next they edit .mob file (copy or change) and (most important) edit .cam-files. Camera file:
EI\Camera\mainmenu.cam. You can edit it by hex-editor (as I =) ), or use special tools...
http://gipatgroup.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6134 - six messege from top, file in attach.

The first part with the Config file i can't really understand what you meant there... can you explain more?!

About the camera thanks i downloaded the file but it needs a BORLNDMM.DLL file... can you send it?!
†T$† - 17 июля 2008, 13:57
I think this help http://www.gipatgroup.org/files/GGToolsLibPack_1_3.exe

The first part with the Config file i can't really understand what you meant there... can you explain more?!

Example of config.ini

Title=Fire Gipat

Compile this in .reg and use it in mod. Launch the Game and try to start New Game.
Anton - 17 июля 2008, 14:15
The first part with the Config file i can't really understand what you meant there... can you explain more?!

Example of config.ini

Title=Fire Gipat

Compile this in .reg and use it in mod. Launch the Game and try to start New Game.[/quote]
Well i already know this lol i made this... well i have new question... on the menu on the bottom right side there this a "Version 1.06" how can i change this title?!
EviL|Alpha - 17 июля 2008, 15:01
In the texts.res you can find file "string_version_name".Edit it...
†T$† - 17 июля 2008, 15:02
Цитата (Anton):

Well i already know this lol i made this... well i have new question... on the menu on the bottom right side there this a "Version 1.06" how can i change this title?!

If you know, why you asked ;) ?
texts.res, file "string version_name"
Anton - 17 июля 2008, 16:54
If you know, why you asked ;) ?

I wasn't sure you talking about that ;)

texts.res, file "string version_name"

Thanks and also thanks to alpha!

Well i managed to open the Camedit and looked on it... a small Tutorial or at least explain a little plz?!
EviL|Alpha - 17 июля 2008, 20:07
If you understand russian,look at this...
Anton - 17 июля 2008, 21:39
Цитата (EviL|Alpha):
If you understand russian,look at this...

Yeah i understand Russian and i'll start to read now, but still will be the best if someone will write now how to do this... so anybody can?!
Снайпер - 19 июля 2008, 11:52
Цитата (†T$†):
Camera file:
EI\Camera\mainmenu.cam. You can edit it by hex-editor (as I =) ),...

...or write your own .cam-editor (as I )

PS: If you need math expressions, which are used to convert quaternions into Euler's angles, I can supply stuff... And you can visit my site to download my old (non-visual => open) CAM-editor to make editing of CAMera more comfortable =) But it computing quaternions bad and you have to calculate it yourself. Надеюсь, понятно объяснил, бо с английской грамматикой у меня всегда были ГОРАЗДО большие траблы, чем с русской.

Цитата (Страница этой мусорки ):
Настройщик скриптов ПЗ - Группа программ, позволяющих редактировать(или читать) Autoexec.cfg, *.reg(ПЗ-шный), *.mq(стандартный), *.mob(script), *.cam - ~30 килобайт

PS: Oh no! I tried to understood, how to work with MY cameditor and have problems at first time %) Well, look: to edit any value in the tree, you must 1) Select this value by clicking LMB on it, 2) Find text-field at bottom of window, 3) Edit value in text field and click Apply("Применить"). Блин, поймал себя на мысли, что автоматически заключаю русскую строковую константу, находящуюся в скобках после английского слова, в двойные кавычки %) Надо завязывать с пхп =)

PPS: Нда. Мегасырая прога. Но всё равно, при некой ловкости рук поудобнее хексэдитора ибо савит и грузит корректно.

PPPS: Anton, I can only say about this pack that some programs has restricted functional %) For example, MQ-editor can read MQs (not all), but possible cannot save .mq (but maybe saves text to pack it yourself)
Anton - 21 июля 2008, 13:18
Well forget about the Camedit... later about it!

I need a bug fix help here watch the problem:


The new weapon from LoA can't be seen... also as the Hat!
Actually i think i know what the weapon problem but i need help on how to fix it!
so i'm kind of 75% sure it's because of the figures.res... there are missing files for this weapon as:
initwesw6weapon.bon and the initwesw6 for the new sword and same for the new crossbow and new bone dagger!
but i don't know what the problem on the hat.. i'm sure i did everything Right!
Снайпер - 21 июля 2008, 13:36
%) You must include unhuma.mod, or repack required bones using models-master ;)
Anton - 21 июля 2008, 14:27
Цитата (Снайпер):
%) You must include unhuma.mod, or repack required bones using models-master ;)

How is the unhuma.mod is connected with the weapon and hat?! and why the full armor can be seen and the hat not?!
Anton - 22 июля 2008, 13:47
Sorry for the double post you people just didn't answered to me...
so what i need to do?! where can i download the models-master?!
Sagrer - 22 июля 2008, 21:09
As i know - there is no any public tools to work with models. We has a public open-source project for editing EI's models here: http://svn.gipat.org/trac/EIModelPlugin - but now it is not finished and it is unusable... there are now any binary builds or source packages there, but if you want - you can download it from our svn repository using an svn client - http://tortoisesvn.net/ . A link to the repository can be found in the project's site.
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