
English Forum - Long name of characters

Knuckles - 30 июня 2007, 13:54
I'm 13 years old ang sorry of my language, but I'm from Polish

How make long name for characters of Evil Islands?
I have ArtMoney, but what next?
Please about detailed answer
alexius99 - 30 июня 2007, 17:08
through database, I think...
†T$† - 30 июня 2007, 18:07
*Sorry for english*

run the game, create char ("noob" by name), give him clan-label, for example "1111".
run artmoney, choose the process "Evil Islands" (or something that)
Find the "noob | 1111" by type "text", and change what you want.
Knuckles - 05 июля 2007, 02:47
Thanks for fast answer, but

When I change nick on longest in ArtMoney in game show only ppart of him
Ilya - 05 июля 2007, 05:56
Thanks for fast answer, but

You are Welcome :D But you very bad boy - and you must delete ArtMoney, it's very bad programm ;)
Снайпер - 05 июля 2007, 10:07
Use HEX Workshop, then find in "your_pres.mp" string with name of your pers, it's (maybe) null-terminated string. Else(if no), find before string its length and change it...
CrAsH - 06 июля 2007, 19:08
I think, you must go to uncle BILL. He know, i think. :D
I just joke, sorry, man! ;)
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