Проклятые Земли: Затерянные в Астрале - don't speak/read russian well, so i'm askin'.. kwak - 19 марта 2006, 01:31
HI, i don't know is there any post like this on this forum, so i'm writing.
(i don't know cuz i don't know russian..ee just a little..i should i know..)
It's about traslation EI:FiA from russian to english..couple weeks ago i've read a post, where some guy wrote that he is working on translation for new Evil Islands addon and results of his work will be available on this page.I mean gipatgroup.org.So my question is, do u know him, or do u have any(unofficial of course..)translation of FiA (ЗвА) to english??
I just love this game and i can't stand waitin for official english version of this addon..BTW: I'm polish so my brothers from east...POMOZCIE ;];]
Снайпер - 19 марта 2006, 02:31
It's good idea to translate add-on into English, but I don't know a man, who have a time, knows resource system and speak English well. Maybe Irenicmad(flame moderator), but hav he had a time? I'll ask him...
PS: sorry, i speak too bad, but cannot learn better. i hope you understand higher text kwak - 19 марта 2006, 17:48
thx. I can fully understand it;] so I'm waiting to see any news from you about him..thx again
Quade[R] - 20 марта 2006, 15:37
If you have icq, write me. I'll can give some help to you. My icq's number is 778767.