09:47:40 В комнату зашёл basilio
09:48:18 [basilio] Знаешь,я подумал и решил что наши не довезут.Сами обыграются:)
09:48:58 [basilio] Так что лучше ежай к нам в москву и я тебе с радостью передам
09:49:51 [basilio] ЕША!!!ВЕРНИСЬ!!!Чат умирает!Спаси его!Ты же избранный!
09:49:55 basilio вышел из комнаты
13:08:12 В комнату зашёл Maloy
13:41:19 В комнату зашёл basilio
13:41:33 [basilio] мдя...
13:41:37 basilio вышел из комнаты
14:22:49 В комнату зашёл Torrent
14:25:41 [Torrent] tomorrow I will pplay on it
14:26:40 [Torrent] :)
14:41:53 В комнату зашёл basilio
14:42:05 [basilio] hello
14:43:55 [Torrent] hi
14:44:19 [basilio] :)))))))))))
14:44:27 [basilio] Its funy
14:44:57 [basilio] whats new?
14:45:55 [basilio] How are you?
14:46:20 [Torrent] nothing I have long weekend - May holidays
14:46:37 [Torrent] I feel not bad
14:46:43 [basilio] :)
14:46:53 [basilio] Iam too
14:47:30 [basilio] we will have very stupid exams on english
14:47:34 [Torrent] I have 8 dys may holidays
14:47:52 [basilio] We 3 days
14:48:50 [basilio] whats do you think about sadam husein?
14:49:25 [Torrent] I dont know now what i will doing in this holiday
14:49:42 [basilio] play in EI :))))
14:49:45 [Torrent] I not know good what thing
14:50:00 [basilio] ?
14:50:24 [Torrent] I saw he's performance on television
14:50:37 [basilio] aha
14:50:44 [Torrent] befor attack usa for iraq
14:51:07 [Torrent] on iraq*
14:51:12 [basilio] and what he say?
14:51:43 [Torrent] very much he surprised me with one\'s statements, I didn\'t know that he was such a wise man
14:52:06 [basilio] ?
14:52:20 [basilio] aha
14:52:55 [basilio] some russians politils are very strange
14:53:02 [Torrent] in this program envoy around usa set saddam difficult questions but he great on he didn\'t answer and he didn\'t let himself cover with nothing
14:53:31 [basilio] undestend
14:53:51 [Torrent] and just the opposite he did accusations USA
14:53:53 В комнату зашёл Maloy
14:54:01 [Maloy] HI ALL
14:54:02 [basilio] what interestin things in poland?
14:54:08 [basilio] привет
14:54:16 [Torrent] hello
14:54:18 [Maloy] дарово
14:54:31 [Maloy] How are You?
14:54:39 [Torrent] nothing very interesting :)
14:55:03 [Torrent] I feel nod bad
14:55:13 [Torrent] and you ?
14:56:35 [Maloy] fine
14:56:43 [basilio] i am too
14:57:11 [Torrent] basilio> in my country was choices some thimes ago
14:57:34 [basilio] one moment
14:57:56 [Torrent] what interesting in your country ?
14:58:10 [basilio] Nothing:)
14:58:25 [Maloy] yes only troubles )))
14:59:03 [basilio] russian president dont want destroy russial lake Baykal
14:59:32 [Maloy] че то я не понял
14:59:57 [basilio] короче как сказать что нефтепровод переложим?
15:00:08 [Maloy] хз
15:00:14 [Maloy] ))
15:00:28 [Torrent] you like your president?
15:00:39 [basilio] and petrol pipe will be build on the norh
15:01:06 [basilio] he done good and dont done very bad things
15:01:27 [basilio] And in poland?
15:01:47 [Torrent] we havent goodluck with president
15:02:00 [basilio] why?
15:02:11 [Torrent] Kwaśniewski not was good president
15:02:25 [Torrent] mayby Kaczyński be good
15:02:31 [basilio] what he done bad?
15:03:40 [basilio] ну и фамилии-как такие можно придумать
15:03:43 [Torrent] podobnio he will answer behind disappearing of a dozen or so million from the bank of the state
15:04:13 [basilio] црфе ыефеу?
15:04:14 [Maloy] ага
15:04:21 [basilio] what state?
15:04:28 [Torrent] no podobnio = apparently
15:04:43 [basilio] one moment
15:04:45 [Maloy] я не понимаю
15:04:47 [Torrent] state?
15:04:58 [basilio] щас объясню
15:05:56 [basilio] короче он не доволен своим президентом,так-как он чето не так сделал с банками
15:06:21 [basilio] ok i undestand
15:07:25 [basilio] in poland dont a lot of political thiefs-in russia they are very much
15:08:14 [Torrent] in poland too, believe me very much
15:08:35 [Torrent] in sejm senat
15:08:45 [basilio] russia is wealthy contry but they steal all
15:09:05 [Torrent] Seym*, senate*
15:09:06 [Maloy] I must go
15:09:09 [Maloy] bye
15:09:48 [Torrent] bye
15:09:52 [Torrent] I could hear that in rosji there are mighty mafias
15:10:05 [Torrent] in russia*
15:10:17 [basilio] пока
15:10:36 [basilio] one moment
15:12:07 [basilio] rosji?i cant transleit
15:12:16 [Torrent] I could also hear that in russia mafias are also at the authority, at the government
15:12:22 [Torrent] rosji = russia
15:12:28 [basilio] aha
15:12:38 [Torrent] its from polish ;)
15:12:54 [basilio] russian muffia isnt very might
15:14:06 [basilio] thiefs at the russian government-its very bad
15:14:21 [basilio] they are very rich
15:15:22 [basilio] when most of russians havent good work with medium money
15:15:53 [Torrent] in poland too
15:15:54 [basilio] its bad
15:16:04 [basilio] :(
15:16:21 [Torrent] muffia ?
15:16:32 [Torrent] mayby mafias ?
15:17:05 [basilio] yes
15:17:39 [basilio] and they are very dangerouse
15:18:44 [basilio] russian police and court are under mafias
15:19:11 [Torrent] I know in your country they could to intimidate of even politicians
15:19:51 [Torrent] police and court ? hm.... wery bad
15:20:04 [basilio] many politicans is maffias
15:20:20 [basilio] not is i wanted say are
15:20:30 [Torrent] it is possible to say the mafia is governing your country
15:21:18 [basilio] ?
15:21:45 [Torrent] in our country mafias are also dangerous but there are politicians which they won\'t intimidate
15:21:51 [basilio] politicans want only money and maffias too
15:22:11 [basilio] yes its tru
15:22:53 [basilio] and muffias kill peoples who want spend muffia frome goverment
15:23:00 [Torrent] i know money, shares, women and many otrher things
15:23:23 [Torrent] ....very not good
15:23:40 [basilio] yes...
15:24:14 [basilio] politicans arent speac realy problems
15:24:18 [Torrent] noone in you country not can spend ilegal maffias befor goverment ?
15:24:38 [Torrent] I hear Putin is in maffia too
15:24:56 [basilio] heh:)
15:25:07 [basilio] it isnt tru
15:25:35 [Torrent] sadly and heavily to live in the country which is a justice missing - even I know something about it
15:25:48 [basilio] *truth
15:26:01 [Torrent] I think its tru
15:26:13 [basilio] tru?
15:26:21 [basilio] truth
15:26:21 [Torrent] truth
15:26:28 [basilio] :)
15:26:47 [Torrent] sorry :)
15:26:59 [Torrent] I made mistakes
15:27:17 [basilio] nothing-its my mistake
15:27:19 [Torrent] what about was your english exam ?
15:27:45 [basilio] its will be very stupid exams
15:27:52 [Torrent] past simle ? continious ? future ?
15:27:58 [Torrent] what about ?
15:27:59 [basilio] All
15:28:07 [Torrent] hm....
15:28:17 [basilio] its isnt hard
15:28:26 [Torrent] can do very many mistakes in exam like that
15:28:34 [basilio] hard is speaking with teacer
15:28:53 [basilio] Teacher*
15:29:15 [Torrent] can you tell me some question from your test ?
15:29:18 [basilio] we will must speak about we dont know
15:29:33 [Torrent] what about ?
15:29:39 [Torrent] for example ?
15:30:00 [basilio] i dont know whats questons will be in a test
15:30:20 [basilio] one moment
15:30:34 [Torrent] you not remember :)?
15:31:03 [basilio] no,i remember-one moment
15:31:22 [basilio] its isnt easy speak in english
15:32:20 [basilio] text of speech will be random
15:33:00 [basilio] but we wil must speak very stupid
15:33:27 [Torrent] :)
15:33:29 [basilio] we musnt do a pause
15:33:42 [Torrent] oł not nice
15:33:54 [basilio] We must speak very stupid
15:34:11 [basilio] Or we will get a bad mark
15:34:25 [Torrent] you like your teacher ?
15:34:35 [basilio] some
15:35:01 [Torrent] I have teachers who I not like
15:35:10 [basilio] she isnt sorry-its russians exams
15:35:17 [Torrent] but i have teachers who some like too
15:35:29 [basilio] What teachers?
15:35:42 [Torrent] never mind ;)
15:36:01 [Torrent] I hear in russia we have subject abut chess
15:36:10 [basilio] I cant undestand phusics
15:36:17 [basilio] ?
15:36:34 [Torrent] about chess*
15:36:40 [basilio] chess?
15:37:11 [basilio] or,i forgot sorry its a game
15:37:25 [Torrent] yes
15:37:34 [Torrent] checks, chess
15:37:37 [basilio] i thank that its a window
15:37:46 [basilio] heh:)
15:37:50 [Torrent] :)
15:38:11 [Torrent] play you in chess?
15:38:20 [basilio] yes
15:38:25 [Torrent] me too
15:38:30 [basilio] but not very good
15:38:40 [Torrent] me too :)
15:39:04 [basilio] i cant any time win when i play in chess with computer:)
15:39:30 [Torrent] I win always :)
15:39:38 [basilio] :)
15:39:43 [Torrent] I foun nice hack in program
15:39:58 [Torrent] and I using it for win
15:40:07 [Torrent] found*
15:40:09 [basilio] :)))
15:40:13 [Torrent] :)
15:40:28 [basilio] i cant cheat
15:40:39 [Torrent] when some human join to my server he loas game
15:40:48 [Torrent] lost* and I win
15:40:54 [basilio] :))))
15:41:13 [Torrent] it not very fear , but I ply fear too
15:41:17 [Torrent] play*
15:41:31 [basilio] :)
15:41:46 [basilio] :-)
15:42:20 [basilio] (O)_(O)
15:42:35 [Torrent] http://gryonline.wp.pl/gry.online-
15:42:48 [Torrent] it is room with chess
15:42:54 [basilio] aha
15:43:21 [Torrent] first you must register
15:43:30 [basilio] ok
15:43:58 [basilio] where?
15:44:28 [basilio] how strange words
15:44:44 [Torrent] hm..... one moment I recently not play and not remember my password :/
15:45:11 [basilio] its polish language?
15:45:35 [Torrent] yes
15:45:46 [basilio] heh:)
15:46:12 [Torrent] click this - left - Dołącz do nas!
15:46:20 [basilio] ok
15:47:06 [basilio] its dont work
15:47:21 [basilio] sorry its work
15:47:39 [basilio] hasto?
15:47:50 [basilio] its pasword?
15:48:18 [Torrent] no ,
15:48:39 [Torrent] mnow you are on websigte
15:48:48 [Torrent] yes ?
15:49:07 [basilio] i am here
15:49:24 [basilio] But what is hasto?
15:49:50 [Torrent] click to the right "Załóż konto" what hasto ?
15:50:07 [basilio] ok
15:50:17 [Torrent] now you are here
15:50:28 [basilio] yes
15:50:54 [Torrent] you must paste your login - for expample "basilio
15:51:02 [Torrent] example*
15:51:08 [basilio] ok
15:51:29 [basilio] done
15:51:34 [Torrent] Hasło: Powtórz hasło: - its your password - you must write it
15:51:43 [basilio] ok
15:51:57 [basilio] done
15:52:03 [Torrent] Twoje pytanie: - it is your question
15:52:17 [Torrent] check you someone
15:52:23 [basilio] what queston?
15:52:39 [basilio] When i forgot a pasword?
15:52:44 [Torrent] yes
15:52:52 [basilio] :)
15:53:02 [Torrent] never mind what , you acces anything
15:53:13 [Torrent] :)
15:53:40 [basilio] ok
15:53:46 [Torrent] Twoja odpowiedź: - its you aswer to your question you write something like eeeeeeeeeeee or wwwwwwwww
15:53:51 [Torrent] :)
15:53:58 [basilio] aha:)
15:54:28 [Torrent] Data urodzenia: - its date of birth
15:54:37 [basilio] ok
15:55:13 [basilio] done
15:55:21 [Torrent] Imię: - really name Nazwisko: really surname
15:55:35 [Torrent] (you cant paste really):)
15:55:50 [basilio] aha:)
15:56:04 [Torrent] Płeć: its you sex - first is woman second - man
15:56:29 [basilio] kobieta?
15:56:29 [Torrent] Miasto: its your country - for example moskow
15:56:39 [Torrent] kobieta - woman
15:56:49 [basilio] :)))
15:57:15 [Torrent] Wielkość miasta: - its is how many people life in your city
15:57:22 [basilio] may be russia?
15:57:28 [Torrent] Województwo: - its your state
15:57:43 [Torrent] hę ?
15:57:46 [basilio] state?
15:58:04 [basilio] one moment
15:58:35 [basilio] what i must write in Nazwisko?
15:58:50 [Torrent] your surname
15:59:04 [basilio] i must write it?
15:59:22 [Torrent] for example yes (not relly if you not ewant)
15:59:31 [Torrent] want*
15:59:33 [basilio] ok
16:00:00 [Torrent] Branża: - its your work - check someone
16:00:12 [basilio] city or country?
16:00:22 [Torrent] Zawód wykonywany: its your work too , check someone
16:00:30 [Torrent] where?
16:00:34 [basilio] :)))
16:00:40 [Torrent] city
16:00:48 [Torrent] sorry me city
16:00:54 [basilio] ok
16:01:21 [Torrent] Wykształcenie: what is your knowleage - check someone
16:01:47 [Torrent] choose*
16:02:03 [basilio] Województwo?
16:02:29 [Torrent] (this is in city - choose someone)
16:02:41 [basilio] :))))
16:02:51 [Torrent] twoje zainteresowania - Your interests:
16:03:09 [Torrent] you agree someone
16:03:11 [basilio] its near russian:)
16:03:21 [basilio] Hear:)
16:03:40 [Torrent] Wpisz słowo znajdujące się na obrazku obok: - you must paste there word from image
16:04:19 [Torrent] Akceptuję powyższy Regulamin bezpłatnej poczty elektronicznej Wirtualnej Polski. - akcepr rules - you must agree it
16:04:28 [basilio] evmhni-how strange word
16:05:05 [Torrent] yes :) its nothing means
16:05:14 [basilio] :)
16:05:31 [Torrent] in the end click on "Załuż konto"
16:05:38 [basilio] ok
16:05:39 [Torrent] you see?
16:05:54 [basilio] yes
16:06:11 [Torrent] and what now ?
16:06:23 [basilio] Its isnt work!
16:06:24 [Torrent] what now you see?
16:06:38 [Torrent] what is communicate in the top ?
16:06:57 [Torrent] under there - Załóż nowe konto! Wypełnij formularz rejestracyjny!
16:07:09 [basilio] podaj hasto
16:07:16 [Torrent] what write that
16:07:36 [Torrent] your password must.........
16:07:37 [basilio] ?
16:08:11 [Torrent] to contain at least one digit
16:08:20 [Torrent] must have one number
16:08:30 [Torrent] for example : basilio17
16:09:38 [Torrent] now you must paste word from image again
16:09:59 [Torrent] have you?
16:10:33 [Torrent] ?
16:10:38 [basilio] wpisz stowo znajduace sie na obrazku weryficasji zalozenia konta
16:10:46 [basilio] ?
16:11:27 [Torrent] yes , this you must paste that word from image
16:11:36 [basilio] ok
16:12:02 [Torrent] end- click Załuż konto
16:12:04 [basilio] yes
16:12:13 [basilio] !!!
16:12:29 [basilio] New time!!!
16:12:30 [Torrent] Załóż konto*
16:12:59 [Torrent] one moment
16:13:23 [basilio] ok
16:14:05 [basilio] polish language is some near of russian
16:16:44 [Torrent] hę? no russia is very strange :/ :)
16:16:59 [basilio] heh:)
16:17:23 [basilio] its some near languages
16:17:44 [basilio] and what about ukrain language?
16:17:45 [Torrent] ok now I have register to
16:17:52 [Torrent] what website have you now ?
16:18:06 [Torrent] i have this http://profil.wp.pl/rejestracja.ht
16:18:40 [Torrent] and you ?
16:19:10 [basilio] page open slow
16:19:49 [basilio] yes i am too
16:22:04 [Torrent] now you login http://profil.wp.pl/index2.html?ve
16:22:36 [Torrent] Login WP - login Hasło - password
16:22:44 [Torrent] and click login
16:22:56 [Torrent] Zaloguj*
16:23:06 [Torrent] have you this ?
16:23:46 [basilio] yes,but it isnt work
16:24:20 [Torrent] why not work ? what now you see ?
16:24:33 [Torrent] some like this - Witamy na serwisie gier online
16:24:45 [Torrent] ?
16:25:44 [basilio] i write my ligin and pasword and its say 2 times nothing
16:26:26 [Torrent] what you see on website ?
16:27:34 [basilio] now i in page http.//profil/wp.pl.haslo.html
16:28:05 [Torrent] no , go there - http://profil.wp.pl/index2.html?ve
16:28:57 [Torrent] you give Login wp - login , hasło - password and click "Zaloguj" ( to the right)
16:29:31 [Torrent] have you got it ?
16:29:34 [basilio] i think that its dont see me in users
16:29:42 [basilio] niestety podany login lub hasło jest błędne
16:29:51 [Torrent] what now you see ?
16:30:03 [basilio] (sprawdź czy nie jest wciśnięty klawisz CapsLock)
16:30:08 [Torrent] you give wrong login or password
16:30:15 [basilio] no
16:30:32 [Torrent] you must look mayby you access CapsLock
16:30:48 [Torrent] ( on your keyboard )
16:30:53 [basilio] i think that i havent registration good
16:31:04 [Torrent] no
16:31:04 [basilio] no
16:31:11 [basilio] :)
16:31:36 [Torrent] ok I do for you
16:31:46 [basilio] thanks:))
16:31:53 [Torrent] account
16:32:04 [Torrent] what username and password?
16:32:14 [basilio] basilio
16:32:18 [basilio] 007
16:33:00 [Torrent] ok
16:33:29 [Torrent] give me some moments
16:33:52 [basilio] ok
16:35:02 [Torrent] password - basilio007
16:35:11 [Torrent] ;)
16:36:27 [Torrent] :(
16:36:33 [Torrent] the chosen login basilio name is filled
16:36:49 [basilio] hm...
16:37:02 [basilio] it isnt work
16:37:19 [Torrent] what password you agree recently ?
16:37:40 [basilio] kfgcb
16:38:07 [Torrent] and what number ?
16:38:25 [basilio] what nomber?
16:39:02 [Torrent] number in password
16:39:18 [basilio] i havent
16:39:53 В комнату зашёл Algeron
16:40:00 [basilio] привет
16:40:03 [Algeron] Hello
16:40:07 [basilio] как жизнь?
16:40:48 [Algeron] Общаетесь? А я вот 6 (!) часов сдавал пробный ЕГЭ по английскому. Это пиздец...
16:40:56 [Algeron] ой... сорвалось...
16:41:05 [Algeron] Ну общайтесь, общайтесь...
16:41:06 [Torrent] ok
16:41:07 Algeron вышел из комнаты
16:41:12 [Torrent] hello
16:41:17 [Torrent] basilio_gg
16:41:24 [basilio] ?
16:41:32 [Torrent] mail : basilio_gg@wp.pl - you have 3 GB on mail
16:41:49 [Torrent] (basilio gipat group :)
16:41:59 [basilio] AHA
16:42:07 [basilio] aha
16:42:25 [Torrent] login basilio_gg password basilio007
16:42:38 [basilio] no
16:42:57 [Torrent] now login here http://profil.wp.pl/index2.html
16:43:53 [basilio] what login?basilio?
16:44:06 [Torrent] basilio_gg
16:44:11 [Torrent] this
16:44:12 [basilio] aha
16:44:53 [basilio] pasword basilio 007?
16:45:21 [Torrent] no
16:45:29 [Torrent] basilio007
16:45:32 [basilio] what?
16:45:36 [basilio] ok
16:45:56 [basilio] aha
16:46:00 [basilio] done
16:46:41 [basilio] i can undestand some of pland language!:)
16:46:48 [basilio] *poland
16:47:06 [Torrent] what for example ?
16:47:32 [Torrent] ty rozumieju polski jezyk ?
16:47:37 [basilio] Twój profil -my profil
16:47:52 [basilio] yes
16:47:55 [basilio] !!!
16:48:05 [basilio] i undestend you!!!
16:48:28 [Torrent] :)
16:48:30 [basilio] :))))))
16:48:58 [Torrent] ga gadam (gawari) po polsku
16:49:08 [basilio] russian and polish some near
16:49:33 [basilio] ga?
16:49:51 [basilio] what is ga?
16:50:05 [Torrent] no ga but ja
16:50:17 [Torrent] ja gadam po polsku
16:50:17 [basilio] aha:)
16:50:40 [basilio] I speak on polish-its transleit
16:50:44 [Torrent] recently I speak with cech republick people in server ei
16:50:53 [Torrent] I can understand his too
16:51:01 [basilio] cech?
16:51:18 [Torrent] country czech republic
16:51:26 [basilio] aha
16:51:41 [basilio] but it isnt near of russian
16:51:49 [Torrent] Česká republika
16:51:57 [basilio] aha:)
16:52:06 [Torrent] but very near poland
16:52:19 [basilio] I remember
16:52:23 [Torrent] go there
16:52:41 [basilio] ok
16:52:45 [Torrent] what is write there ?
16:52:55 [Torrent] what you see ?
16:53:12 [basilio] yes
16:53:24 [Torrent] what write there ?
16:53:51 [basilio] i can click on sprobuj ponovne
16:54:01 [basilio] ponovnie*
16:54:19 [basilio] its near russian on hear
16:56:39 [Torrent] hm..... no good
16:56:40 [basilio] Błąd logowania
16:56:50 [basilio] ?
16:56:59 [Torrent] error
16:57:10 [Torrent] you must login again
16:57:22 [basilio] ok
16:57:25 [Torrent] and tell me what website you see after login
16:58:09 [Torrent] basilio_gg \\\\\ basilio007
16:58:27 [basilio] i in my profil-Twoja wizytówka
16:58:45 [Torrent] you have my profil ? wait
16:58:54 [Torrent] what you see oin my profil ?
16:59:18 [basilio] Imię : basilio
16:59:27 [basilio] Nazwisko : basilio2
16:59:36 [basilio] Płeć : mężczyzna
16:59:40 [Torrent] very good login is good
16:59:47 [basilio] and other things
17:00:46 [Torrent] can you doing screen ?
17:00:51 [Torrent] or not
17:01:12 [Torrent] ok create screen
17:01:28 [Torrent] and upload in imageshack.us
17:01:36 [Torrent] www.imageshack.us
17:02:02 [basilio] why?
17:02:35 [Torrent] I must know you what you must do now
17:02:50 [basilio] ok-one moment
17:04:14 [basilio] yes i can
17:07:24 [Torrent] ....and ?
17:07:34 [basilio] what?
17:08:19 [Torrent] screend you do ?
17:08:29 [basilio] ?
17:08:40 [Torrent] hm... never mind
17:08:59 [basilio] what?
17:08:59 [Torrent] what is website who you see ? give me adreess
17:09:20 [basilio] one moment
17:10:00 [Torrent] ok
17:10:01 [basilio] 17:01:36
17:10:47 [Torrent] what adress website >? for exapmle www.wp.pl/profil
17:10:57 [Torrent] ?
17:12:58 [basilio] http://www.imageshack.us/
17:13:55 В комнату зашёл Maloy
17:14:12 [basilio] привет
17:14:18 [Maloy] все общаетесь?
17:14:25 [Maloy] привет
17:14:38 [basilio] как жизнь?
17:14:47 [Maloy] нормуль
17:14:54 [Maloy] а у тя
17:15:11 [basilio] тоже
17:15:35 [Maloy] сколько ж вы с ним болтаете?
17:15:45 [basilio] много
17:16:09 [Maloy] че нового о Польше узнал ?)))))
17:16:19 [basilio] %)
17:16:34 [basilio] Много нового:-)
17:16:55 [Maloy] )))))
17:17:03 [basilio] кстати из язык на наш по звучанию похож
17:17:03 [Torrent] you see?
17:17:09 [basilio] yes
17:17:10 [Torrent] under wp.pl > darmowe gry online
17:17:13 [Maloy] я знаю
17:17:19 [Torrent] click "gry"
17:17:27 [Torrent] (game)
17:17:35 [basilio] one moment
17:17:42 [Maloy] я в Польше 4 года назад был
17:18:12 [basilio] круто-и как там?
17:18:29 [basilio] i cant find it
17:18:48 [Maloy] Прикольно,но я проездом так то в Чехию ехали
17:18:53 [Torrent] on the top
17:19:21 [basilio] one moment
17:20:34 [basilio] gry in what?
17:20:54 [Torrent] gry = game
17:21:03 [Maloy] лана я потопал
17:21:17 [basilio] i undestend,its near russian
17:21:21 [basilio] пока
17:21:35 [basilio] gry in what?
17:23:04 [Torrent] Gry Konto Weź $$$ Klub VIP Galeria Graczy Turnieje Forum Pomoc
17:23:49 [basilio] no,there isnt here
17:24:27 [Torrent] click here on Gry
17:25:22 [basilio] i can Gry kasynowe,Gry zręcznościowe,Gry planszowe,Gry słowne,Gry w karty,Gry barowe
17:25:36 [basilio] what i must choose?
17:25:37 [Torrent] ok this
17:25:46 [Torrent] Gry planszowe
17:25:48 [basilio] bye
17:25:54 [Torrent] Szachy
17:25:55 [basilio] ok
17:26:01 [Torrent] Szachy = chess
17:26:19 [basilio] :)
17:26:31 [basilio] its some of near
17:26:45 [basilio] ok,lats play later
17:26:55 [Torrent] and click"Zagraj"
17:26:58 [basilio] best for you:)
17:27:00 [Torrent] and install game
17:27:05 [basilio] ok
17:27:06 [Torrent] and you
17:27:14 [Torrent] bay
17:27:23 [basilio] bye
17:30:24 basilio вышел из комнаты
19:50:49 В комнату зашёл basilio
19:51:45 [basilio] Еша-я устал взывать к тебе.Пойду лучше в пз играть
19:51:48 basilio вышел из комнаты
20:34:23 В комнату зашёл Algeron
20:57:35 [Algeron] Algeron> ты че тут делаешь?
20:57:47 [Algeron] Algeron> ты че дурак? это же ты и есть
20:57:58 [Algeron] Algeron> я это я, а ты кто?
20:58:11 [Algeron] Algeron> я это тоже ты, балда
20:58:33 [Algeron] Algeron> сам балда. как ты зашел сюда под моим ником?!
20:58:49 [Algeron] Algeron> ты пи.... это же ты сам себе пишешь из другого окна
20:58:59 [Algeron] Algeron> это ты сам себе пишешь
20:59:08 [Algeron] Algeron> идиот, мы оба пишем сами себе
20:59:18 [Algeron] Algeron> как так сами себе? нас же двое!
20:59:36 [Algeron] Algeron> да точно, вроде двое.... блин
20:59:46 Algeron вышел из комнаты
21:30:01 В комнату зашёл basilio
21:30:51 [basilio] No coments:-)
21:30:59 [basilio] %)
21:31:12 [basilio] (o)-(o)
21:31:22 [basilio] (O)_(O)
21:31:41 [basilio] (0)_(0)
21:32:17 [basilio] [o]_[o]
21:32:33 [basilio] {O}_{O}
21:32:54 [basilio] no coments;-)
21:33:00 basilio вышел из комнаты
21:33:43 В комнату зашёл basilio
21:34:06 [basilio] и только попробуйте не назвать меня психом!!!
21:34:40 [basilio] Не надейся выжить блевотина-цитата-чья не скажу
21:35:34 [basilio] Спросите у Algeronа.И скажите ему что не надо баловаться наркотой
21:35:46 [basilio] привыкание на вечно
21:36:18 [basilio] до 31 февраля=)
21:36:52 [basilio] И мне это скажите
21:37:01 [basilio] а я пока посплю
21:37:18 [basilio] да вы бредите штирлиц!
21:37:44 [basilio] Какой нах штирлиц-я РОДЖЕР ВИЛКО!!!
21:38:01 [basilio] или ларри лафер
21:38:16 [basilio] короче спокойной ночи
21:38:50 [basilio] кап
21:39:33 basilio вышел из комнаты
22:18:39 В комнату зашёл Algeron
22:19:44 [Algeron] Безумие обрало поистине вселенские масштабы (с).
22:19:56 [Algeron] И безнадежно лезет в холодильник
22:20:13 [Algeron] А там зима - пустынная зима (c)
22:20:16 Algeron вышел из комнаты